Monday, January 7, 2013

Basically out of the army.

In case you didn't know, I'm basically out of the army now. I'm technically still on leave until the end of this month, but i'm out of hawaii, and i'm not going back. now i have the difficult task of reintegrating with civilian life. its turning out to be much harder than i thought it would. for now i'm staying with my grandparents in NJ, and it looks like i might have a job up here soon. for now i'm just waiting though, hoping things work out soon.

one side note - i was on facebook today when i thought about how odd it was. I'm sitting there feeling connected to everyone there, i mean i can see what they have been up to, what they think about things going on in their live and everything. but it's all a facade, i'm not really connected at all. one second i can read about my friends activities, and the next i can close the page and be sitting here alone, with those "connections" miles and miles away. so close, yet so far.

well, lets see what happens this year. maybe it'll be better than last year. i'm not holding my breath though. and considering everything i went through in the last year (i'm talking about you afghanistan).... that's saying a lot.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Back in Hawaii

As most of you are now aware, I am now back in the states. I got really busy for the last few months of my deployment because I moved up to team leader. That really just means I add a bunch of admin work to my existing workload. It wasn't too bad though, for the most part. Either way, I hope to forget most of the past year as soon as I can. Afghanistan doesn't deserve anything from us - no help, no money, and especially no soldiers. As soon as we leave, they will go back to living the same way they have for thousands of years. Literally. Anyway, now that I'm back in Hawaii, we will have a lot of time off to recover from the past year. As things stand, I will be getting out of the army next summer. I will stay here in Hawaii until then. So........ all of you guys need to come visit before then!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

oh yeah...

i came home last week for r and r. the trip sucked. really, really bad. it took me 6 days to get from my base to my house. 6 days of no real sleep, and being uncomfortable, and dust. but, now i'm home and feeling good. i've mostly just chilled here, doing nothing, but i'm totally ok with that. my brother came in for the weekend, so our whole family was here for the weekend. that probably won't happen again for a few years now, since my brother is most likely deploying right around the time i come back for good. anyway, i'm thinking about putting some money into the stock market now, and i'm looking for tips. well? ok, so i head back to afghanistan soon ( i can't post when exactly, but it's soon) and i'm not looking forward to it. thankfully i only have a few more months over there, so hopefully it'll continue to go by quickly. oh yeah, i also got promoted to sergeant right before i came home, so treat me with respect!

SGT Deej

Monday, August 15, 2011

the same.

well things are pretty much the same here. only right now it's been quiet for a few days. anyway, some of you (cough, ryan) have been complaining that i don't post often enough. well, unfortunately, due to my job and being in the army, i can't say much. so these blogs would be pretty boring. i'll let you guys know as soon as i get home though, since my r and r is coming up kinda soon. and not too long after that we'll be going home. so if you want to know more, just message me, because i can't really post on here for the whole world. sorry... lolzor.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

here's an update, happy?

Hey, i'm alive and deeply miss you all, particularly my mentor and best friend, Ryan Doan.

also, things are getting rough over here, so keep praying for the safety of all of us, and the families of those soldiers who have been killed.

killcount for my base: 38 Taliban dead so far.

Monday, April 4, 2011


well this is my last post before i leave, all my stuff is getting put into storage today, so i will lose my internet. anyway, so far my flight has been changed twice on me. i can't post the date i actually leave, but it was supposed to be very soon. i think it'll still be this week, or next week, but they don't even know yet. i'm hoping i leave sooner though, since i don't really have any clothes left, and no sheets or anything, lol. plus i'm renting a car, and each day is starting to add up...

as for updates, i have no idea what to expect once i get on that plane to head out of here, so i might have access to internet all the time, or i might only get a chance to get on once a week. maybe less. right now i think i'll have pretty good access to internet and everything, but when things inevitably change, who knows where i'll be put. if you guys want my address, just sent me an email or a message or whatever and i'll get it to you as soon as i can. (right now i don't know what it'll be though) so i hope you all enjoy your summer, and have fun on my birthday for me!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

hero photos

well just a few days ago we took our "hero photos." that's just army talk for the pictures they show when we die. apparently we become heroes then? lol, on a better note, we start wearing our multicam uniforms (hence the new background) next week. so no more acus! it'll be a change at least, i don't know that they're much different though, aside from the pattern. now comes the fun of packing all of my gear into just a few bags. i have to do that by tuesday so i can bring it in to work and dump it all out, just to repack it. my supervisors want to make sure i have everything, just like it was in elementary school... i swear you get treated like you're 7 years unless you're an officer. whatever, i still have excuses to not have half of my stuff, so there's no point in me even doing that layout. i do, however, need to pack so this will stop me from putting it off too long.

i also found out my new permanent (tentatively) date when i leave. i can't post it on here, but it's in early april. by my birthday, i'll be somewhere that is not the US. i might be in afghanistan, or i might be somewhere en route. i'm not sure what exactly is going on from when i leave till i arrive in afg. well, that's all i know for now. check back later for one more post before i ship out.